My Rules:
No animals
No rape requests
No Guro/Scat or Piss
No Yaoi
No Zombies
No Obese/Anorexic requests or any inflation requests
No monsters/tentacles
No Shotacon/Lolicon

Blog Posts by ErzaxZoro1991

Added: 2025-01-29 14:25:11
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Wheres my money

Its been two days since my payment was supposed to come yet i still didnt getr the 102 dollars this site owes me, what the fuck gives?
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2025-01-30 16:47:46

    They tend to pay Mondays, last time WhentaiTan (The one in charge of payments) connected was a Wednesday 2 weeks ago, its likely that if it connect this monday will pay you

    I mostly only try to upload works Sundays nights, cause I feel it guaranteed the chances to being paid early

  • 2025-01-31 02:28:17


  • 2025-01-31 15:09:14

    They usually send when they want. So be patient, here payments never came early. And just in case, do not use crypto, they also ask you for the 100 minimum and dont respond if they lost your money.

  • 2025-02-25 22:03:27


Added: 2024-12-10 15:21:21
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Emergency Comissions

My 6 year old WD Elements hardrive completely crashed,costing over 3TB of lost data, to get it back, i need to get a $70 harddrive recovery device but im broke, i need money fast. Im up for Emergency Comisisons rn.

My paypal is [email protected]

Prices are this

$10 for sketch
$20 Lineart
$30 for two person/One Panel image, up 3 3-4 panels, $5 per panel
$40 for muptile people( Not counting anons), $5 per additonal notable character
$60+ for a Mini comic/Short Gif
Discussion: (1 comments)
  • 2024-12-10 16:02:54

    Tomorrow, 12/11, for the amount you need to pay your bill

Added: 2024-06-19 18:58:10
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

My Expansions outside of Whentai and changing name to EZPIXX

Due to the recent changes in the site and the decline of traffic here, i will be branching out from here onto other sites. I already set up shop with Deviant Art for direct commissions using my CORE membership i put forth on the site and have begun uploading hentai onto the site

Starting today, Deviant Art will be my primary commission center for the time being using CORE to make NSFW hentai, be warned DA's policies are strict regarding Age up characters so i can't make any canonical ******** characters adults so Age up commissions aren't allowed, i do have a Newgrounds where i can post that as well as PIXY but for the time being, all age up hentai like Full Metal Aclmehist Winiry would have to be done via direct Paypal payments.

$10 for sketch

Sketch with more than 8 characters is $20

$15 for Lineart

$30 for Finished colored version

$40 for One Page Doujins( Limt is 4 panels) Additional $5 for each additional Panel

$ 5 for additional characters(Randoms/Background characters with no detail don't count)

For more than 8 named characters, price is around $40 in addition to picture

For Animations(Which im still green at) $60 is the miniu for a simple animation

For Bakcgrounds, no Background or simple background are free but any complex/Unique background would cost an additonal $10

-Almost Anything
-Futanari(Except for pegging men)
-Any gangbang comissison
-Any Lesiban sex commission

-Yaoi (Might consider making trap hentai if one is willing to pay high enough though)
-Diaper feitsh
-Farting fetish
-Anything Furry

(WARNING:DO NOT REQUEST CHARACTERS UNDER 18 FROM ANIME, Deviant Art would not tolerate even "Aged up" verisons of said characters, all characters must be 18+ even in canon. If you want a Adult verison of you're anime waifus, vist my PIXV site or message me in Discord and we can do a paypal comisison there)

In addition, i will sell all downloads of images plus additional files such as PSD, Clip Studio, sketch, lineart, flats, and others for $5 in premium Downloads to make additional money on the side when publishing this form of Deviant Art.Im currently at work with working on PXIV Fanbox and other sites and my Pateron is under review currently so i will be posting up updates here.

Im still willing to take commissions here as well in case anyone has any EV's to spend here as well though given the slow traffic in the last three months, i wouldn't hold my breath personally.

If you wish to make a direct commission with me without a middleman, reach me on my Gmail [email protected], my Paypal is also [email protected] where you can pay me upfront for commissions. Neogiate with me on Discord for prices

My discord is Erza#2497 for those who wish to reach out to me

Here's my Newgrounds account for those who wish to do business there
External /

My Deivant Art Account is IronZombie34

My Twitter Account

My Hentai Foundry Account

I am still working on Pateron

Also ErzaZoro Pixx will now be rebranded ExZPixxx

Will be working on new logo and working on building on-site

Discussion: (0 comments)
Added: 2024-03-21 19:36:35
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Back and not dead, future of my hentai posts

Seems like Paypal has declared war on NSFW artists and art , as of today Paypal has now stopped supporting FANBOX and has declared war on NSFW artists leaving many including myself uncertain about the future of Paypal and NSFW work stuff in general. This is depressing as now more than ever, we would need money in these trying times. Im still waiting for the money regarding NSFW stuff so i will be stuck waiting for a bit, anyways I've been working on making a new Twitter account to make NSFW posts and work on alts to protect and safeguard the flow of hentai in these trying times, what should my new Hentai artist account name be for Twitter? Tell me in the comments

I will still post stuff here i can't within other sites due to political correctness such as the N-word prostitute series and the glriious edgy raceplay involved within it and uncesnored versions of posts PXIV won't allow anymore without moassic censorship, this is a dark day for NSFW artists.

Discussion: (12 comments)
  • 2024-03-21 21:54:25

    Paypal declared the war to NSFW stuff since almost 10 years ago, so much effort for something as simple as some stupid doodles... Funnily or Sadly enough (however you want to see it) I pretty sure that they standards are similiar to Devian Art

    Photos of naked womans = "Oh!!! So artistic, keep the good work, make sure to starting selling your stuff, feel free to use all our tools to increase your income"
    Pictures of naked cartoon = "Thats immoral you psycho!!!! BAN!!!"

    Cryptos will become the only way sooner or later...

  • 2024-03-21 23:00:48

    Its insane the double standards here, alot of this is driven by certain political ideologies who hate the male gaze while okay with prompting their own sexual desires if it suits their agenda, how do you use cyrpto?

  • 2024-03-21 23:18:18

    I need to know how to buy and use cryptos. Last time I checked one "coin" was >$1000? I can't afford that.

  • 2024-03-21 23:18:55

    Neither can i , thats far too much and the markets far too voilate

  • 2024-03-21 23:21:36

    I Google it
    Does any of that make sense to you?

  • 2024-03-22 15:28:16

    I have been with binance since last year, it work fine. :)

  • 2024-03-23 23:41:56

    That’s why we use crypto from now. Not only PayPal but even Vendo and Verotel - just frozen our money without any reason. Sorry for problems with payouts for last month - now we accept crypto and it works really Nice! Remember we can still make payments to all our artist via paypal but crypto is much more easy. As for our members: please create crypto accounts - this is really simple and get your extra votes here at whentai and create your commissions. We prepare great updates here at Whentai - believe you will stay with us!

  • 2024-03-23 23:42:44

    it will amazing to remove the rule of $100 for payout :(

  • 2024-03-23 23:43:36

    Okay, im mot familair with cyprto, do i still get my payout regarding the commisons done here on Whentai?

  • 2024-03-25 04:08:51

    yes. You get your payment. Sorry but 100$ limit is for PayPal accounts, You can get payments with small summ for crypto payments

  • 2024-03-27 04:26:01

    i don't know why those companies fight so hard just because of some drawings of naked things, i bet they don't try to do nothing against normal porn!

  • 2024-03-27 15:40:56

    nop, that's not true, i have already my crypto account here and i just get payment once i get my $100, i changed because i thought i will get small payments, but i still have to wait :(

Added: 2023-11-21 02:04:34
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Computer reboot and Pen presusre issues

Computer was on the fritz the last week, had to do a lengthy reboot process and have to redownload thousands of assets on Clip sutiodo and having pen pressure issues with Vivek, can someone help me out on this
Discussion: (1 comments)
  • 2023-11-21 22:08:57

    My computer is super slow and stalls out sometimes I hope I won't have to do that too.

Added: 2023-09-17 21:00:20
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Accideentally uploaded the incomplete gif

Can anyone tell me how to edit the commission files, i uploaded the wrong picture into the commission
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2023-09-17 22:35:23

    Now I have the whole thing
    ~o0~ moldrad ~0o~

  • 2023-09-17 22:39:13

    Your welcome,whats next

  • 2023-09-18 00:28:02

    Heh well done ExZ interesting to see,

  • 2023-09-18 00:38:09

    Thanks to been a while since we chat, ionce i get back to the swing of thigns wer can do a few commisons, right now trrying to catch up on finishing Apolcysles overdue commisons and recovering money for my Vivek

Added: 2023-08-27 03:23:29
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Whentai gltich

I uploaded 3 pictures so far but the harry potter one is not loading in even throughthe thumbnail is


Here's the image for those unable to see the commission file, hopefully the Whentai admins can fix this errand.
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2023-08-27 03:27:19

    I can see all with no problem, sometimes commissions just take a few minutes to be processed, not always is a bug...

  • 2023-08-27 03:28:44

    Oh, okay,thought it glitched

  • 2023-08-27 12:53:12

    All there are in updates but the Oxy in Turkey is not on my commissions page done or in progress. That's a glitch.

  • 2023-08-27 14:22:28


Added: 2023-08-09 17:28:53
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Not Dead,aka back

Sorry for delays finally back and making upfor ALOT of LOST TIME thanks to my Vekiki1200

Im going to be moving at lightning speed to finish everything as fast as i can
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2023-08-09 19:50:33

    I wish I would have waited another day to delete your commissions. I'll repost them as soon as possible.

  • 2023-08-09 21:19:50

    ****m,i thought you got my message

  • 2023-08-10 22:31:32

    I did and the system lords dragged their butts so they're still up.

  • Nice can't wait to see your drawing of my crew of lust commission Erza

Added: 2023-07-11 14:47:19
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog


The tabletMorad gave me last year ran out of fucking battery, i bought a new charger and used it yesterday and it wasn't enough to save it, I'm in a deep financial crisis and now unable to finish and work, I'm at my wits end... going to try to replace the battery but due to things, there's going to be delays sadly,2023 ha been my worst year to date and I'm struggling badly.

Im going to try to get this replace this as soon as possible, sorry for any inconvenience
Discussion: (5 comments)
  • 2023-07-11 16:24:20

    So the charger didn't work. Is the battery replaceable?

  • 2023-07-14 18:55:38

    Cheers. 2023 have been a hard year for artists with all the AI stuff, if helps, I use HUION on Desktop.

  • 2023-07-14 18:56:08


    I got no working tablet

  • 2023-07-15 01:16:49

    is the one i bought. I buy mine to a lot of interest-free months, if not it will be imposible for me to buy my tablet. i think there are cheaper the one that connected to the cellphone or desktop. Unfortunately, as artists, we need to change if its needed :(.

  • 2023-07-15 01:19:55

    Unfrearntly im low onfunds so going to be down at least a month

Added: 2023-06-28 20:52:56
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Finanaicial problems and dead drawing tablet.

Been absent the last month or so, and my financial problems drastically worsen as I've been cut off from S*** and the drawing tablet i got last year stopped working, halving the efficiency and productivity rate of my schedule, thankfully Molrad's tablet is still working and I've been using that to complete projects but because of this, all projects are delayed. Sorry for any inconvinence.
Discussion: (1 comments)
  • 2023-06-28 22:13:29

    Glad my old tablet still works

Added: 2023-03-24 04:02:22
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

I got scammed 57 Dollars by a fake steam mod and need cash badly.

FUCKING COCSCUKERS, Be careful of a discord user named Image Azumi Daichi#3813, she's part of a fake steam ransomwave scam in which her and her faggot curry eating Indiain friend RickJohnson(offical)#9578 conspired to flece me sucessfully of $57 dollars out of my paypal, i was able to avoid another fleec but the damage has been done, im down 57 dollars, do not fall for their scam @everyone

I desperately need cash to avoid overdrafts to my Paypal thanks to the discord/steam scam.
Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2023-03-24 04:15:25

    How? Also cant you cancel the purchase with your paypal? Fill a report

  • 2023-03-24 04:21:58

    Too late,it went through

  • 2023-03-24 07:12:19

    No just simply a commission to help out, i don't believe in handouts. Will be doing commissions but with the sites new 100 for payout rules, i need to get to 100 to get paid, pretty stupid ass rule if you ask me.

  • 2023-03-24 11:47:08

    I trust almost no one
    Incoming calls that ask for personal information, I trust the least.
    If they're real you can call their listed number and check.
    E-mail is iffy check the from address.
    Discord messages from strangers I usually delete and if I recognize the name I check with them.
    My Grandpa used to say
    "You trust your mother but you cut the cards anyway"

Added: 2023-03-18 17:45:38
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Fixed the problem

Now its working.
Discussion: (1 comments)
Added: 2023-03-18 17:43:49
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog


Discussion: (3 comments)
  • 2023-03-18 17:46:21

    You have already 3 commissions, there werent a limit or something like that?

  • 2023-03-18 17:46:55

    No its 5 the limt
    The button wasn't working

  • 2023-03-18 17:48:03

    No its 5 the limt
    The button wasn't working

Added: 2023-03-13 07:09:08
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog


Discussion: (4 comments)
  • 2023-03-13 09:25:03

    Just uploaded a file under your account (check it here 48388 ) through the website's interface. Check your browser's console, and send me the details via chats, please.

  • 2023-03-13 09:29:09

    How do i accept comissisons, the website browser console won't let me accept any commsions.

  • 2023-03-13 13:16:46

    I got your bid on
    Sorry I want a quick result on it but I did see your bid.

  • 2023-03-13 18:06:42

    Having problems accepting nbids, the button wont work

Added: 2022-11-21 15:10:43
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Back from toothpain

Been suffering from serious tooth pain with an infected abscessed tooth that was so bad, I couldn't ***** for several days. Just got the tooth extracted Thursday and nearly at the end of the road to recovery I have a serious hole in my wallet due to a whole month of inactivity so going to be making up for ALOT of lost time. Gotta get my christmas cheddar up.
Discussion: (1 comments)
Added: 2022-10-23 19:49:57
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

My XP Pen stopped working

XP Pen stopped working so i'm down one tablet, will be trying to get money to replace it. sorry for any further delays to any projects.
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • It's all cool Erzaxzoro1991 you need money to replace it and plus my commission of the Crew of Lust is so big I can wait bit and has well the my crossover orgy

  • 2022-10-24 19:23:23

    did you change the battery?

Added: 2022-10-14 19:50:25
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

I'm back

Was recovering from Tooth pain and lack of *****, should be finishing all remaining commissions during the week. I would like to do some Halloween-themed commissions, preferably some hot lesbian sex or gangbang related commissions, any waifus you want lewded, lemme know.
Discussion: (5 comments)
Added: 2022-09-30 18:28:57
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Testing out animation skills

Did this mockup animaiton to test out the features of clip studio animation as I work on improving my animations.
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2022-09-30 19:29:20

    That's pretty good.

  • 2022-10-01 16:48:07

    Animation is really tough and takes so much time I'm impressed already

Added: 2022-06-03 23:36:38
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

special thanks to molard

Thanks to morlad who I met personally a few days ago for getting this tablet for me,it's working like a charm
Discussion: (11 comments)
  • 2022-06-04 03:01:50

    MOLDRAD but you are welcome

  • 2022-06-04 08:39:20

    Moldrad I need a tablet with screen :) :) :)

  • 2022-06-04 08:39:48

    That was a one time deal and i only got it because i was close to him

  • 2022-06-04 09:23:21

    Good person Moldrad.
    And in others news, Moldrad, I need a PC Gamer, please...

  • 2022-06-04 09:24:00

    Again that was a one time deal

  • 2022-06-06 16:10:33

    i have 2 things to say, first that's crazy! second he's a cool guy or girl to give you that! (am i crazy to think that there's women who also frequent this site?)

  • 2022-06-06 16:11:08

    I'm not a woman IRL

  • 2022-06-06 21:21:28

    Neither am I and it was gathering dust in my home
    I bought it >10 years ago
    Erzazoro's tablet seemed to die and I had two commissions pending
    I don't have any hardware to give away but if you want comics or outdated software we can work something out

  • 2022-06-06 21:35:50

    thanks but that's impossible i'm from a different country of yours (probably), instead i would like to make a recomendation for you! do you like to play? if you do there's a game called deponia its very cool and since from your commissions it gives the impression that you likes cartoon i thought maybe you would like it

  • 2022-06-07 14:00:05

    I'll check it out
    Have you tried "Witch Trainer" Princess Trainer" and "Star Chanel 34" ?

  • 2022-06-07 14:50:06

    no i didn't, actually that's the first time i heard about them, but the one based on harry potter looks very good! i usually "play" (read would fit better) more eroge visual novels, like taimanin or kangoku senkan etc...

Added: 2022-05-14 08:25:03
# Link to the post in ErzaxZoro1991's Blog

Fuck OPtards

Bitchass OPtards got my twitter account suspended because i rekted their asses on the whole Kaido vs Natsu debate, granted i did throw some insults at them but they're proof they're the most butthurt F****t fanboys i've ever encountered, not even 5 minutes after my post, my account was suspended. Well guess what bitch ass niggas, i'm going to clown on you fuckers harder, i'll avoid calling you niggas for what you are, a bunch of f****s but you want to declare war on me , I'll be glad to fuck with you bitches back. As for those here, i would be unable to post anything onto twitter, honestly hope Elon buys twitter and all these faggot SJW's run away or disappear, fucking ridiculous i get a fucking week ban because i called someone a fa***t for being a disrespectful little ****. I swear fuck Political correctness.
Discussion: (2 comments)
  • 2022-05-14 10:43:26

    In England, "God hates Fags" is an anti-smoking meme

  • 2022-05-14 17:18:56

    LOL, you still be banned from twittter simply for saying the word faggot even if it's in a non homophobic way like i did because lord knows some faggot snowflake has their feelings hurt. Doesn't matter how much of an ally of the LGBT you are, and here i thought we're supposed to reclaim words, so much for that.

Correlon LLP, Office 7, 35-37 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JN, UK.
Contact us: [email protected].
Copyright © 2008-2025 WHentai.Com. All rights reserved.

All models showed on the pictures, animations and videos were at least 18 years old at the time of the photo/video shoot or creation.